MRRI Web Conference Instructions

Click Here to Join the MRRI Web Conference. (Or copy and paste into your browser—Chrome preferred. Please download instructions and/or review online instructions below. Also, allow ample time for Internet and audio connections. The conference will start on time and late attendees may not be able to connect.)

Download MRRI Web Conference Instructions (PDF: 177 kb / 2 pages) updated July 2, 2015

It is recommended you download the instructions, print them out and have them available when joining the web conference.

System Requirements: It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED you use Chrome. However, any modern browser will work. Your browser may request a plug-in be installed. Follow any recommendations or instructions.

You must be using one of these browsers: Internet Explorer 7 or above, or the latest Firefox, Chrome, Safari with Flash Player 10 or higher. If your computer does not meet the minimum requirements please contact your system administrator.

URL: (Click on the URL link or copy and paste into Chrome – if installed on your computer. Your browser will connect to the MRRI web conference. You may want to Bookmark the URL for future reference)

Phone/Audio: “Call by Phone” number is accessible via the JoinMe Control Panel. Instructions are listed below.

PLEASE NOTE: These are not Toll-Free numbers and you may be charged a fee—depending on the contract with your phone service provider.





NOTE: If the phone number is busy or you have difficulty connecting, try a different number. Click on the tab for international and additional numbers.

It is requested you mute your telephone during the presentation. If time allows, questions may be asked/answered at the end of the web conference. Obviously, your phone will require un-muting when asking a question. Please identify yourself and or location and speak slowly. Attempt to limit background noise. All locations will hear one another.

PLEASE NOTE: These are not Toll-Free numbers and you may be charged a fee—depending on the contract with your phone service provider.

These instructions may be updated periodically. If you have questions or need assistance please contact:

David Kennedy
kennedyd at einstein dot edu