Kenneth Pugh, President and Director of Research

Kenneth Pugh's picture
President and Director of Research, Senior Scientist

PI, A-214: Neurochemistry as a moderator of brain networks for reading.

PI (subcontract), A-202: Neurocogntive bases of treatment resistance in developmental dyslexia (R. Morris-PI, Georgia State University).

PI, A-222: Tracking neirocogntive changes during evidence-based reading instruction in typically and atypically developing children. 


Ph.D. (Experimental Psychology), The Ohio State University , 1990
M.A. (Experimental Psychology), The Ohio State University , 1987
B.S. (Psychology), Summa Cum Laude, New York Institute of Technology, 1982

Representative Publications and Presentations

Meaghan V. Perdue, Sara Mascheretti, Sergey A. Kornilov, Kaja K. Jasińska,Kayleigh Ryherd, W. Einar Mencl, Stephen J. Frost, Elena L. Grigorenko, Kenneth R. Pugh, Nicole Landi (2018) Common variation within the SETBP1 gene is associated with reading-related skills and patterns of functional neural activation, Neuropsychologia(in Press)
Stephanie N. Del Tufo, Stephen J. Frost, Fumiko Hoeft, Laurie E. Cutting, Peter J. Molfese, Graeme F. Mason, Douglas L. Rothman, Robert K. Fulbright, and Kenneth R. Pugh (2018) Neurochemistry Predicts Convergence of Written and Spoken Language: A Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study of Cross-Modal Language Integration, Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 9 (1507)
Tian Hong, Lan Shuai, Stephen J Frost, Nicole Landi, Kenneth R Pugh & Hua Shu (2018)
Cortical Responses to Chinese Phonemes in Preschoolers Predict Their Literacy Skills at School Age, DEVELOPMENTAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, Vol. 43 (4) pp. 356-369
Katarzyna Chyl, Bartosz Kossowski, Agnieszka Dez bska, Magdalena Łuniewska, Anna Banaszkiewicz, Agata Zelechowska, Stephen J. Frost, William Einar Mencl, Marek Wypych, Artur Marchewka, Kenneth R. Pugh, and Katarzyna Jednorog (2018)
Prereader to beginning reader: changes induced by reading acquisition in print and speech brain networks, The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,
Vol. 59 (1) pp. 76-87
M.R. van den Bunt, M.A. Groen, S. W. van der Kleija, M.W. Noordenbos, E. Segers, K.R. Pugh, and L. Verhoeven (2018) Deficient Response to Altered Auditory Feedback in Dyslexia, DEVELOPMENTAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, Vol. 43 (7) pp. 622-641
Jeffrey G. Malins, Kenneth R. Pugh, Bonnie Buis, Stephen J. Frost, Fumiko Hoeft, Nicole Landi, W. Einar Mencl, Anish Kurian, Ryan Staples, Peter J. Molfese, Rose Sevcik, and Robin Morris (2018) Individual Differences in Reading Skill Are Related to Trial-by-Trial Neural Activation Variability in the Reading Network, The Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 38 (12) pp. 2981-2989

Nicole Landi, Jeffrey G. Malins, Stephen J. Frost, James S. Magnuson, Peter Molfese, Kayleigh Ryherd, Jay G. Rueckl, William E. Mencl, Kenneth R. Pugh (2018) Neural representations for newly learned words are modulated by overnight consolidation, reading skill, and age, Neuropsychologia, Vol. 111 pp. 133-144

Kenneth R. Pugh, Peggy McCardle, Annie Stutzman (2017) Global Approaches to Early Learning Research and Practice: An Introduction. Pugh, K. R., McCardle, P., & Stutzman, A.,  Wiley Periodicals, Inc, New Directions for child and Adolescent Development., Vol. 158 pp. 7-10

Kaja K. Jasińska, Peter J. Molfese, Sergey A. Kornilov, W. Einar Mencl, Stephen J. Frost, Maria Lee, Kenneth R. Pugh, Elena L. Grigorenko, Nicole Landi (2017)
The BDNF Val 66 Met Polymorphism is associated with structural neuroanatomical differences in young children, Behavioural Brain Research, Vol. 328 pp. 48-56
Jeffrey G. Malins, Nina Gumkowski, Bonnie Buis, Peter Molfese, Jay G. Rueckl,Stephen J. Frost, Kenneth R. Pugh, Robin Morris, W. Einar Mencl (2016) Dough, tough, cough, rough: A “fast” fMRI localizer of component processes in reading

Neuropsychologia, Vol. 91 pp. 394-406

Kukona, A. Braze, D., Johns, C., Mencl, W.E., Van Dyke, J., Magnuson, J.,Pugh, K. Shankweiler, D., Tabor, W. (2016) The real-time prediction and inhibition of linguistic outcomes: Effects of language and literacy skill, Acta Psychologica, Vol. 171 pp. 72-84

Kaja K. Jasińska, Peter J. Molfese, Sergey A. Kornilov, W. Einar Mencl, Stephen J. Frost, Maria Lee, Kenneth R. Pugh, Elena L. Grigorenko, Nicole Landi (2016) The BDNF Val 66 Met Polymorphism Influences Reading Ability and Patterns of Neural Activation in Children, Plos One, e0157449, Vol. 11 (8) pp. 1-25

Hancock, R., Pugh, K. R., & Hoeft, F.. (2017). Neural Noise Hypothesis of Developmental Dyslexia. Trends in Cognitive Sciences Jun;21(6):434-448. doi: 10.1016/j.tics.2017.03.008. Epub 2017 Apr 8..

Preston, J. L., Molfese, P. J., Frost, S. J., Mencl, W. E., Fulbright, R. K., Hoeft, F., et al. (2016). Print-  Speech Convergence Predicts Future Reading Outcomes in Early Readers. Psychological Science, 27(1), 75–84. 
Pugh, K. R., Frost, S. J., Rothman, D. L., Hoeft, F., Del Tufo, S. N., Mason, G. F., Molfese, P. J., Mencl, W. E., Grigorenko, E. L., Landi, N., Preston, J. L., Jacobsen, L., Seidenberg, M. S., & Fulbright, R. K. (2014). Glutamate and choline levels predict individual differences in reading ability in emergent readers. Journal of Neuroscience, 34(11), 4082-4089. PMCID: PMC3951703.
Pugh, K.R., Landi, N., Preston, J.L., Mencl, W.E., Austin, A., Sibley, D., Fulbright, R.K., Seidenberg, M.S. Grigorenko, E., Constable, R.T., Molfese, P., Frost, S.J. (2013). The relationship between phonological and sensorimotor processing skills and the neurocircuitry for reading in emergent readers. Brain and Language, 125(2), 173–183. PMCID: PMC3417084
Pugh, K.R., Shaywitz, B., Constable, T., Shaywitz, S., Skudlarski, P., Fulbright, R., Bronen, R., Shankweiler, D., Katz, L., Fletcher, J., & Gore, J. (1996). Cerebral organization of component processes in reading.  Brain, 119, 1221-1238.