Dr. Buxbaum Featured on ASNR Podcast

Laurel J. Buxbaum, PsyD, who is presenting the Viste Award Lecture at the American Society of Neurorehabilitation (ASNR) Annual Meeting in November, joined a podcast with other presenters to talk about the upcoming conference.

The podcast captures conversations with five leading neurorehabilitation researchers talking about their current research and new directions in the field.

Dr. Buxbaum was awarded the 2018 Viste Award from the ASNR, which honors Kenneth M. Viste, Jr., MD, a tireless advocate for neurorehabilitation and ASNR. According to the organization, the award is presented annually “to an individual that has supported the mission and vision of ASNR over the course of his or her career, by supporting neurorehabilitation as a field, engaging in clinical and educational work, and making our medical peers aware of the importance of neurorehabilitation.”

Dr. Buxbaum is director of MRRI’s Cognition and Action Laboratory, which focuses on studying the behavioral and brain bases of skilled action and object use in healthy and stroke participants.

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