What are some ways to practice reading with aphasia?
Read and listen at the same time
1. Try audio-books
2. Use captions when you watch tv or movies
3. Use the text-to-speech tool on your device
Help yourself focus on the words
1. Find a quiet place
2. Read one part at a time.
Cut out the window of an envelope. Use it focus on one section at a time.

Point and read one word at a time.
Read more quickly
Sometimes reading takes too long. Here’s one way to get faster.
1. Choose something short (~100 words). Make sure it’s interesting!
2. Ask someone to listen as you read
- Ask them to time you
- Ask them to help you if you make a mistake
3. Practice over and over until
- You can read ~ 50-100 words / minute
- You don’t make mistakes
4. Choose a new article and start again!
For more information, see our website or contact Sharon Antonucci at antonucs@einstein.edu.
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