Listening to music has been shown to engage multiple brain regions, and rhythm and music have been employed in therapies around the world for many years. Aphasia is a language impairment that may occur after a stroke or other brain injury, and the MossRehab Aphasia Center is a world leader in studying and treating aphasia.
The Aphasia Center has developed a program called Musical Mondays during which people living with aphasia come together to listen to music, share information and stories, explore different types of music, sing, and play musical instruments.
Philadelphia Public station WHYY recently interviewed Aphasia Center scientists, staff, and members in a segment on the Musical Mondays Program as part of its “You Oughta Know” series. As Aphasia Center Speech Language Pathologist Roberta Brooks explains, the goals of the program are “to provide opportunities for socialization, to allow people to share their love of music, [and] give people another forum for practicing communication skills and listening skills.”
The MossRehab Aphasia Center is a collaborative effort between MRRI scientists and MossRehab clinicians that helps to address the long-term communication and psychosocial needs of people living with aphasia. The Center provides outstanding treatment, resources, programming, peer support, and opportunities to participate in cutting-edge rehabilitation research.
Learn more about what music can do for people living with aphasia on the MossRehab Aphasia Center blog.
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