Scientists at Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute (MRRI) have been conducting research on how different video and virtual reality (VR) game-based technologies may be used to enhance assessment and treatment in individuals following stroke. This cutting-edge research will help inform the world-class care delivered to patients at MossRehab.
Dylan Edwards, PhD, MRRI Director and Director of the Human Motor Recovery Laboratory, and Laurel Buxbaum, PsyD, MRRI Associate Director and Director of the Cognition and Action Laboratory, recently discussed their work with Philadelphia Public radio station WHYY.
Technologies such as VR and digital games may facilitate the assessment of the underlying causes of deficit and may encourage patients to be more engaged in rehabilitation. These approaches may also make it easier for clinicians and researchers to quantify performance during rehabilitation, allow patients to track their progress, and in some cases provide opportunities for patients to continue practicing rehabilitation exercises outside of the clinic.
You can learn more about their research in their featured segment running from 17:17 – 20:02 in WHYY’s recent episode of You Oughta Know.
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