Recent Updates from the Team at MRRI

Improving lives through rehabilitation research.

MRRI scientists and staff have been adjusting to working remotely, and we are continuing to work together virtually on a variety of exciting research projects. This has included writing and publishing results from our research in peer-reviewed journals. In the month of March, seven new peer-reviewed journal articles authored or co-authored by our Institute scientists were published or accepted for publication.

In February and early March, MRRI scientists presented their research at local, national, and international meetings. For example, work on predicting the risk for neurodegeneration in people with moderate and severe traumatic brain injury was presented in February at the Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society. In addition, Amanda Rabinowitz, PhD, director of the Brain Injury Neuropsychology Laboratory, presented her research on aging with chronic traumatic brain injury at the Philadelphia Neurological Society meeting in February. In March, Aaron Wong, PhD, director of the Cognitive-Motor Learning Laboratory, presented work from his laboratory on learning movement patterns in a Topics in Rehabilitation Science Session at MRRI.

We are pleased to highlight these recent achievements of our team members. We look forward to continuing to make progress while working at a distance. Some projects have adjusted to recruiting research participants collecting data remotely, and many of our staff are performing data analysis, preparing manuscripts, and developing new research grant applications over the coming weeks.

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